Produção de telhas com fibra de bananeira: a busca por uma tecnologia social
Bioconstrução, Sustentabilidade, Fibra natural, Autonomia socialAbstract
Banana fiber is an abundant raw material in tropical countries and coastal regions, accessible and easy to produce. The project consists of developing a learning project that aims to develop a technique for the production of tiles with banana fiber, resulting in a biodegradable material with low environmental impact. In addition, the work with this social technology aims to generate local income, accessibility of materials, sustainability, other fluxes and possibilities to generate other products using the same raw material. Cooking tests were performed at different times and amounts of compounds. There was variation of the texture and the thickness of the fibers, which resembles coconut fibers, with natural agglutination, flexibility, adhesion uniformity, flame and shear forces resistance. When compressed it presents rigidity.