Formulação de hidratante com extratos de Humiria balsamifera (Aubl A. St. Hil) com ação antioxidante


  • Suzana dos Anjos da Paz Instituto federal de educação, ciência e tecnologia do Maranhão
  • Georgiana Eurides Marques


Mirim, cosmético, conservação.


The present work had the objective of producing a handmade moisturizer from the extract of the bark of Humiria balsamifera (Aubl A. St. Hil). The Moisturizing was formulated following the current legislation of ANVISA. The moisturizer based on extracts of Mirim has antioxidant action and is in accordance with the physical-chemical standards established by the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency. The use of native plants contributes to the awareness of preserving the plant, the valorization of local knowledge with the possibility of sustainable development between profitable extractivism and the preservation of its naturally occurring areas.





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