Experiência de fito remediação de água por jardim filtrante em assentamento rural na região de Córrego Rico – Jaboticabal/SP


  • Luis Rodrigo Ribon Pinotti Unesp - Fcav - Jaboticabal
  • Regina A.L. Camargo
  • Otávio Luís Almeida


água-cinza; efluentes; agricultura familiar; irrigação.


Through the university extension project developed at the Córrego Rico settlement in Jaboticabal/ SP a wastewater treatment facility was built for the reuse of residential effluents for posterior irrigation: a constructed wetland, made with plants of highly water saturated environments, capable of exerting chemical phytoremediation by their root areas. The system implantation occurred by means of a workshop with presentations made by college students and professionals of Embrapa Instrumentation of São Carlos/SP, with the objective of fomenting rational water usage and diffusion of technical and academic knowledge. Finally, a functional constructed Wetland was obtained, with the capacity to treat the effluents generated by a six-person family of settlers, and the resulting waters were directed to the irrigation of fruit trees. Besides the functional aspect, the Wetland was designed in a harmonic manner, for landscaped and aesthetical purposes.





CBA - Desertificação, Água e Resiliência Socioecológ as Mudanç Climát e Outros