The insertion of youth in agroecology based on militancy and generational changes


  • BETTO, Janaina UFSM, Santa Maria-RS
  • MARCON, Gian UFSM, Santa Maria-RS
  • COGHETTO, Franciele UFSM, Santa Maria-RS
  • CRODA, Jéssica UFSM, Santa Maria-RS


youth, generation, genre, social movement


In the last decades, it has become increasingly evident the recognition of rural youth and its importance
for the continuity of family farming. The article tries to make inferences about aspects
present in the social relations of production and agroecology, in the light of questions of gender,
generation and militancy. It was from the Interview, document analysis and bibliography.
It was noticed that the militancy of the family members and the process of dialogue allowed a
more horizontal construction and practice to develop an alternative productive system, where
traditions and customs are made more flexible so that a new way of doing agriculture would
allow a real insertion of youth, it is necessary to break with hierarchies so that the youth feel
part of the process.

