Evaluation of the Socioeconomic Impacts of the Food Acquisition Program in the family agriculture of Iconha-ES
Public policy, Institutional market, organic agriculture, AgroindustryAbstract
The Food Acquisition Program (PAA) implemented by the Municipality of Cariacica, coordinated
by the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), supports the commercialization of products
from local family agriculture, strengthening organic agriculture with 30% higher remuneration
compared to production to the model conventional. Since the year 2010, Iconha farmers were
included in the PAA, with the objective of strengthening family farming and encouraging the
organic production system in the municipality. In this way, this work aims to evaluate the socioeconomic
impacts of the PAA of Cariacica/MDS in the family agriculture of Iconha. Through
courses, lectures, practical demonstrations and project preparation, it encouraged productive
diversification and organic certification of farms. It also had support for the establishment, expansion
and regularization of agroindustries. The PAA contributed to increase the participation
of women in family income, with productive diversification and organic production.