A importância dos Programas Monitora e de Voluntariado do ICMBio na avaliação de um remanescente florestal na Serra dos Órgãos: borboletas frugívoras como bioindicadores do estado de conservação


  • Juliana Silva Barbosa UFRRJ
  • Jorge Luiz do Nascimento Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
  • Cecilia Cronemberger de Faria Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade
  • Gabriel Rosas do Amaral


PARNASO, Biodiversidade, Nymphalidae


The Serra dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO) is a Conservation Unit (UC) of Integral Protection, managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation (ICMBio) and located at Serra dos Órgãos massif, covering the municipalities of Guapimirim, Magé , Petropolis and Teresópolis. This UC is intended to protect an important remnant of Atlantic Forest in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Atlantic Forest is one of the richest biodiversity and most endangered biomes. The National Biodiversity Monitoring Program (Monitors Program) aims to evaluate the responses of populations or ecosystems to conservation practices and the impacts of external factors such as habitat loss, landscape changes and climate change.
This summary brings the report of participation in the application of the monitoring protocol of frugivorous butterflies of the Monitoring Program in PARNASO, as a bioindicator of their conservation state.





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