The More Management Program as a knowledge and marketing interface at PNAPO - Brazil.


  • SOUSA, Carla Silva Universidade de Brasília
  • RAMOS, Paula Daniella Prado Universidade de Brasília
  • ÁVILA, Mario Lucio de
  • MIRANDA FILHO, Reinaldo José de Universidade de Brasília


Public polices, family farmers, government purchases


The main mechanisms for incentive and diffusion of agroecology are the National Policy on
Agroecology and Organic Production and its National Plan (PLANAPO). Among the initiatives
included in the Plan, technical assistance, although not fully met, was subject of important
innovations. The present study reports the analysis of the More Management Program (PMG)
as an instrument of this policy. PMG (associated with goal 14 of PLANAPO 2013-15) contributed
through its differentiated methodology to improve the management of family farmers’
cooperatives and promote their access to institutional markets. It is concluded that PMG was
an important innovation, however, the reduction in the contribution of resources to its actions
between 2013-2015 has led to a decline in the assistance to cooperatives and, consequently,
in the assistance of public policies regarding government purchases from family farmers, a fact
aggravated by the discontinuity of the Brazilian government.

