O papel do quintal produtivo na formação do técnico em agropecuária em Tefé-AM: realidades amazônicas


  • Renata Gomes de Lima Melo IFAM
  • Sandra Regina Gregório UFRRJ
  • Nilton Paulo Ponciano IFAM
  • Patricia Silva Gomes IFAM
  • Hélder Oliveira Frazão IFAM


Quintais; educação; Agroecologia.


The focus of our work is focused on the issues related to productive yards and the relationship of this with the training of technical professionals in agriculture and training in the sense of contribution beyond the food security of families. When we talk about agroecology and productive backyards, we are in search of an equilibrium relationship, which can generate the guarantee of quality food for those who consume them. The objective of this work was to identify the production yards as a space for technical training in agriculture and the possibilities of contribution based on the experience and the wheels of conversations in these family production units. The participants of the survey were 04 families living in the rural area and belonging to the National Forest (Flona) of Tefé (AM) and a group composed of 12 students regularly enrolled in the group of the 2nd year of the Agricultural Technical Course in the integrated form of the Institute Federal University of Education, Science and Technology of Amazonas - Campus Tefé.

