The Training of Educators in the Field for Popular Culture


  • Thaysnara Ferreira Almeida Universidade Federal de Viçosa MG
  • Suzani Gomes de Paula Universidade Federal de Viçosa MG
  • Andressa Bressanini de Almeida
  • Fabrício Vassalli Zanelli
  • Laura Pronsato
  • Claudinea Ferreira


Popular culture; Mystical; Art; Education., popular culture, mystical, art, education


In this work we reflect about training of teachers and students of the Escolas Famílias Agrícola (EFAs), analyzing the interactions between rural schools and the cultural manifestations of their surroundings. We analyze the role of the "Mystics" in the process of reviving art and culture within the framework of the EFAs and the Licentiate Course in Rural Education (LICENA / UFV). In our actions with EFA Chapadinha, in Nova Venécia-ES, we performed several mystics; planning and organization of the Festa Junina of the school giving focus to the popular culture; and we collaborated in the preparation of the party POMITAFRO (of the local society, of Pomeranian, Italian and African origin). We plan and perform mystical in events of agroecology at the UFV, such as: the Troca de Saberes and the Jornadas Universitárias em defesa da Reforma Agrária (JURA) To perceive and to study the contribution of popular culture has been fundamental in the education of rural educators, both in EFA Chapadinha and in Licena/UFV.

