Agroecology being used as an instrument for the strengthening of women in the field: The knowledge of settled women inserted in practices of backyards in Vão do Paranã - GO


  • SILVA, Patrícia Pereira da Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • ALMEIDA, Maria Geralda de Universidade Federal de Goiás


Rural Women, Settlements, education, thick


This study was elaborated from the experiences lived together with the women of the field in
the region of Vão do Paranã - GO, located in the region in the northeast of Goiás. It is known
that the peasant life requires effort and love for the land, and the intention here is to present the
importance of knowledge and pass the knowledge of the women of the field and the scientific
knowledge. Therefore the object is to present the relations and exchange of knowledge through
the knowledge of the field and the relations between the man / woman and the earth. Living
in the countryside is a lifestyle and it is understood that it is not easy, to rescue practices often
forgotten was the purpose of this work, but, nevertheless, to associate the life of the woman in
the countryside with possibilities to rescue / awaken in them Even better conditions for social
inclusion, valuation of natural resources and appreciation of women’s power.

