Semanas agroecológicas como forma de disseminação da agroecologia


  • Francisco Tavares Forte Neto Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Antônio Aristides Pereira Gomes Filho
  • Daniel da Silva Marte
  • Rômulo Cesar Santos Cavalcante
  • Maria Lúcia de Sousa Moreira
  • Nicolle Maria Cruz Marinho


Agroecology; GAUFC; Green Revolution.


The agroecology weeks, organized by the Agroecological group of the Universidade Federal do Ceará (GAUFC), which occurred in the years 2017 and 2018, respectively, were aimed at disseminating agroecology as a more sustainable form of production in Agriculture and as a philosophy of life to be followed, for this the event brought debates, discussions and experiences that add knowledge to the participants present in the event. The two followed similar methodologies and programming, consisting of tables, discussions, workshops and agroecological experience on the theme chosen by the organizing team. The results were satisfactory, and in view of this scenario the pretension of the components is to perform more editions of the event in subsequent years.

