Ornamental Cacti:

Junction Of Traditional Knowledge To The Scientist


  • Gislayne Kayne Gomes da Cruz IFPB
  • Jose Aliff Rozeno da SIlva IFPB- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba- Picuí
  • Manoel Modesto dos Santos Neto IFPB- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba- Picuí
  • Frederico Campos Pereira IFPB- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Paraíba- Picuí


Cactos; Cultura tradicional; Louça de Barro; Capacitação


This work aims to report on the experience of students participating in the ornamental cactus project in an educational workshop that was given in the first Cycle of Cactos Workshops. The workshop was offered by the volunteers of the project together with the invitation of the participants of the Cactos- IFPB Campus Princesa Isabel, which dynamically brought to the students, farmers and people present linked to the CCA (Agro-Community Training Center - Carmelitas Sisters) the importance of preserving the historical tradition of a needy community that works with the making of handcrafted crockery with clay, in order to give a greater appreciation of the products and also to teach the public how the preparation and preparation of these pots and other dishes were done. Thus also demonstrate the ecological and economic importance that the species of the caatinga present, including the cacti , those who can and can be used for ornamentation purposes and also be grown in backyards. The workshop was delivered on the first day of training and lasted about four hours, enough to present the success of the workshop through the knowledge acquired. At the end after the end of the presentation they were presented with the objects produced by each one during the workshop among them the confections of decorated vases and cacti.





CBA - Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico e Dinâmicas Comunitárias