Youth and Agroecology: A training experience in agroecological education for young farmers in the Mid-North of Brazil

A training experience in agroecological education for young


  • Camila Nunes Santos Lima Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão
  • Alice Maria Pinheiro Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão
  • Warmisnton Carvalho Gomes
  • Georgiana Eurides de Carvalho Marques
  • Roberta Almeida Muniz
  • Vivian do Carmo Loch Universidade Estadual do Maranhão


Juventude rural; educação ambiental; agricultura



This report proposes to show the challenges and importance of agroecological education for young farmers, based on reflections on the FIC Youth and Agroecology course, developed in the municipality of Morros, with 20 young farmers from six municipalities of Baixo Munim, north coast of the state of Maranhão. The results show the interest of this audience in learning to broaden their experiences with a more sustainable agriculture, as well as to strengthen their professional expectations. Keywords: Rural youth; environmental education; agriculture

