The Pluriactivity the Role of Rural Women in Santa Luzia Community in the Municipality of Ubajara-CE


  • SILVA, Verônica Campos Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • LACERDA, Dayane Cristine de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • MEDEIROS, Marcos Barros Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • SOUSA, Rafanele Trajano Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • SILVA, Rayana Vanessa Alves Universidade Federal de Pelotas


Female competence, Work, Agroecology


The peasant woman has a relevant role in her house and, in the field, she performs a function
similar to that of the man. The objective was to describe the pluriactivity of the role of women
in the Santa Luzia community. Community visits were carried out with the application of a
semi-structured questionnaire. It was found that the majority of women opt for a job outside
the home due to the regular unavailability of income from agriculture; Several professions are
assumed by women in this community, and most of them are able to reconcile external and
domestic work. It is concluded that the financial factor is relevant, since all work to complement
the family income and, that work mainly, provides the recognition of the capacity of work, which
is often not valued in the home. It should be emphasized that the empowerment of women
through agroecology can contribute to the dignity of their work in agriculture.

