Use of social cartography in the mapping of the Kanindé indigenous village in Aratuba-CE


  • Francisco Sandro Vidal da Silva UNILAB
  • Fabiane Alves dos Santos UNILAB
  • Rildelene dos Santos Silva
  • Crislane da Silva Custódio
  • José Valdir Alves Azevedo
  • Rafaella da Silva Nogueira


povos indígenas, cartografia social, mapeamento participativo


 Social cartography has been growing in order to promote the participation of society in terms of the description of spatial information that contributes to a better understanding of urban and rural areas. This technique has been used to better understand the dynamics, especially of family farming in which the knowledge of the farmer is valued to build knowledge about the community. The objective of this work was to use social cartography techniques to characterize and map the Kanindé indigenous village in the municipality of Aratuba-CE.






CBA - Construção do Conhecimento Agroecológico e Dinâmicas Comunitárias