Women promoting agriculture sustainable


  • WANDELLI, Elisa Embrapa
  • Araùjo Fátima de TEIA
  • GÓES, Jussara CIMI
  • SEMEGHINI, Mariana Inpa
  • NEVES, Acácia Incra
  • Reia, Marina


Agroecology, feminism, agroecological movement


The first meeting of Women promoting life-generating Agriculture aimed to empower and
enhance articulation of women researchers, educators, extension workers, managers, activists
and farmers for sustainable agriculture, food sovereignty and the right to live, and insert
the agroecological movement State of Amazonas on the female wrestling, in addition to build
strategies and draw up demands and proposals of public policies. The event rescued the close
relationship: Land-Agriculture-Conservation-Woman, for bringing memories silenced by patriarchal
logic and, at the same time, cause the feminist Amazon power to construct paths of
life through healthy relationships with the environment.

