Demands from the marcha das margaridas for an alternative production: a reading based on the women/landless intersection


  • DE PAULA, Fernanda Folster Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (IFCH) da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)


gender, agrarian reform, agroecology, landless, Marcha das Margaridas


This work tries to understand the demands of the landless women at the 2015 Marcha das Margaridas
for other production logics, based on the intersection between the categories “women”
and “landless”. It is understood that the experiences (and demands) of the landless women can
not be diminished to only one of these categories. It is the intersection of these categories that
allows the understanding of the importance given to agroecology by the March. The struggle
of the landless people seeks democratization, land distribution and the recognition of family
agriculture though the establishment of public policies. However, the demands are not circumscribed
to these frontiers: they are also directly linked to the role these women occupy in the
work area, the reproductive sphere. Therefore, they also demand healthcare and life quality,
and a productive logic that cooperates with life and nature: agroecology.

