Women’s Empowerment and Agroecology in the municipality of Serraria - PB


  • LIMA, Juliana Ferreira de Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Agrárias (Agroecologia) / PPGCAG, UFPB/CCHSA
  • OLIVEIRA NETO, João Gomes Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Agrárias (Agroecologia) / PPGCAG, UFPB/CCHSA
  • BARBOSA, Gustavo José Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Agrárias (Agroecologia) / PPGCAG, UFPB/CCHSA
  • MONTEIRO, Shirley Santos Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Agroalimentar / PPGTA
  • SANTOS, Dualyson da Silva Graduado em Agroecologia pela UFPB/CCHSA
  • VASCONCELLOS, Andreia Doutoranda em Extensão Rural - UFSM


Socialization, Agroecology, Empowerment


Traditionally in March, the institutions carry out activities in honor of Women’s Day in urban
centers, based on the need for empowerment of rural women, the municipality of Serraria - PB
held an allusive event for these rural warriors in a rural community. The objective of this work
is to report the experience lived in the municipality of Serraria-PB with the first event in commemoration
of the international day of the woman (rural) on March 22, 2017 at the Noêmia de
Carvalho School, Sítio Cuité dos Bitus, involving Farmers in several localities of the municipality.
Serraria is a municipality in the micro-region of the Parajo swamp with an economy strongly
linked to agricultural production, and the women protagonists active in this process. Female
empowerment has a direct link with family agriculture and, consequently, with agroecology,
once, which brings to the fore the importance and performance of women in rural development.

