A practical experience for women’s autonomy through urban agriculture based on Agroecological
Women, Urban Agriculture, Feminism, Agroecology, EmpowermentAbstract
The project Women and urban agriculture: food security and consumption, was held in the
community of Bird – Recife, PE, with target audience women in a partnership between the
UFRPE and the NGO House the Woman from the Northeast, having as objectives the female
empowerment, financial autonomy of women, spreading urban agriculture based on Agroecology.
Using for these purposes a methodology based on popular education and feminism, with
political parties, application of questionnaires with more than 50% of women participants in
order to obtain data on socieconômica and environmental situation of the community, seeking
to observe and study the actions of the urban farmers, especially women, in the construction of
a peripheral urban agriculture in agroecology, which is responsible for enhancing sustainable
practices and enhance the exchange of knowledge among women as well as addressing the
Agroecology as Middle earth care and sustainable of the natural resources that surround.