Survey of the creole varieties of agricultural species used by farmers in rural communities of Cocal-Piauí


  • Waldiléia Ferreira de Melo Batista UFPI
  • Maria De Fátima Portela


Agrodiversity; Food sovereignty; Local knowledge.


The rescue of the knowledge and the conservation of varieties of creole seeds in rural property are of paramount importance for the maintenance of the species. This work had the objective of raising the creole varieties of agricultural species cultivated by farmers, encouraging them to preserve and use local agrobiodiversity. Fifty farmers who cultivate seedlings distributed in two communities in the municipality of Cocal-Piauí were visited. During the visits a questionnaire was applied to the characterization of the cultivated creole varieties and the profile of the interviewees was delineated. Four varieties of beans and one corn were found that are still being cultivated by farmers. The producer in using such seeds contributes to the irrigation and the exchange of knowledge between the communities, guaranteeing the maintenance of these rustic varieties and favoring the food sovereignty of the rural populations.





CBA - Biodiversidade e Bens Comuns dos Agricultores e Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais