Seed quality of Cicer arietinum L. for sprout production


  • Mirele Schlichting Universidade de Passo Fundo
  • Cláudia Petry
  • Cláudia Dutra


Palavras-chave: Grão-de-bico; sementes comercializadas; alimentação viva; Silicea 9CH; homeopatia.


Chickpea is the second most consumed legume in the world, and Brazil is a major importer. Its germinated seed has potentiated the isoflavonoid content and these shoots are used in live feed. The homeopathic medicine Silicea is indicated to aid in the processes of germination and to act in weak plants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of the commercialized grain and packaged grains, and the effect of the homeopathic Silicea 9CH diluted in glycerinated water on the production of its germinated shoots, was carried out in a germination chamber with germitest paper. With 75.4% PG, the commercial origin and the Silicea 9CH homeopathy do not affect the germination of Cicer arietinum L. Seeds sold in bulk respond better than grains packed to Silicea 9CH homeopathy in the production of fresh and dry masses of seedlings. Commercially-grown chickpea seeds have low germination power to produce germinated shoots.

Keywords: chickpeas, commercialized seeds, live feed, Silicea 9CH.





CBA - Manejo de Agroecossistemas de Base Ecológica