Education and Work: Life histories of graduates of Forestry Technical Course


  • Joana de Oliveira Dias Instituto Federal do Acre
  • Adriana Kettylem Cavalcante
  • João Maciel Araújo
  • Rosana Cavalcante Santos
  • Ana Cláudia Salomão
  • Amauri Siviero


Field Education, Family Agriculture, Youth, Forest peasantry, Amazon.


This article portrays the experiences and life histories of young extractivists, graduates of the technical course in forests of the Center for Professional and Technological Education Roberval Cardoso, and was developed in the Postgraduate Course in Family Agriculture of the Federal Institute of Acre. The objective is to give subsidy to a reflection on the relation between education and work in the Extractive Reserves. The current Brazilian political context and the debates around the reduction and deactivation of conservation units demonstrate how education in RESEX must be constantly built in dialogue with different realities. The methodology of the research consisted of interviews whose analysis is referenced in the field of Oral History in the works of Alessandro Portelli. The discussion was built through sessions that reflected the different moments of the interviewees' lives: the experiences before the course, the experience as a student and the future perspectives after the course. The forest intelectuality, in its forms of production and systematization and transfer of knowledge, must be seen and valued.





CBA - Terra, Território, Ancestralidade e Justiça Ambiental