Agroecology: Some Concepts and Principles - Review


  • Ivanessa Vieira de Oliveira Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, campus de Iturama-MG, Agronomia.
  • Milena Teixeira dos Santos Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, campus de Iturama-MG, Agronomia.
  • Aline de Oliveira Matoso Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, campus de Iturama-MG, Agronomia.
  • Ariane Fernandes da Conceição Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, campus de Iturama-MG, Agronomia.


sustainable agriculture, rural development, agroecosystems, rural extension


This article presents a review (synthesis) on the work “Agroecology: some principles and concepts”, by Francisco Roberto Caporal and José Antônio Costabeber, published in 2004. The book presents itself as a theoretical and methodological framework focused on the importance of agroecology as a science that covers a sustainable future. Therefore, it can be linked to a publication of support for the formulators and executors of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension programs - ATER, making an association regarding the development of transitions between the current agricultural model that is linked to the use of agrochemicals and fertilizers, and the models that foresee rural development with a more sustainable agriculture which highlights support through this transition process, proposing the study of agrarian activities from an ecological point of view. In this way, this book relates the demonstration of principles and concepts that made this transition process feasible, implying not only a rational aspect in the economic-productive sector, but also turns to the central actors of this theme, highlighting an indispensable change in values and attitudes towards coexistence between the management and conservation of natural resources.

