CVT Fundos de Pasto Experience with the Sertanejas Communities in Bahia: reintroduction and maintenance of breeds and creole seeds in caatingas


  • Aurélio José Antunes de Carvalho Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Baiano, CVT Fundos de Pasto e Grupo Xerófilas
  • Marcio Harisson dos Santos Ferreira Instituto Federal do Piauí, NEA Campus Paulistana
  • Nelson de Jesus Lopes Escola Família Agrícola do Sertão, CVT Fundos de Pasto
  • Gabriel Troilo Secretaria de Educação da Bahia, CVT Fundos de Pasto


Agrobiocultural Heritage; Traditional Communities; Agrobiodiversity; Creole Breeds and Seeds; Living with the Semi-Arid


The CVT Fundo de Pasto is a joint initiative of IF Baiano, of the Escola Família Agrícola do Sertão (EFASE), located in Monte Santo - BA, CVT headquarters and sponsored by CNPq, process 402695 / 2017-8. The Fundo de Pasto are traditional communities in the Caatinga of Bahia that have a territory that cattle and, especially, goats and sheep and in a smaller number of pigs are raised free foraging native vegetation. It is a way of life that spans centuries, with peasants living with the caatinga and who were able to forge a very particular agriculture with breeds and creole seeds. However, with the advance of capitalist agriculture much of this agrobiodiversity and agrobioculturality has been lost. In the face of climate change, CVT Fundo de Pasto has reintroduced Creole breeds: beef cattle; moxoto goat; buritizinho pig; balloon chicken for training classes for students, professionals and experimentation farmers, as well as backyards with native xerophils, stimulating community seed houses. The actions have generated the reappearance of Creole varieties and traditional forms of agricultural management in communities.

