Biometry and Predation of Cassia grandis L. Seeds


  • Matheus de Miranda Ribeiro Borges Bacharel em Agronomia, UFRA
  • Deisiane Santos da Cruz Graduanda em Engenharia Florestal, UFRA
  • Laíse Ribeiro Aleixo Graduanda em Agronomia, UFRA
  • Giovani Leitão Oliveira Graduando em Agronomia, UFRA
  • Dênmora Gomes de Araújo Professora Adjunta, UFRA/ICA


morphology, forestry, Amazon, P.lineola


Seed technology aims to adapt methods to determine quality standards, such as biometrics, which provides important information to detect genetic variability and its relationship with environmental factors. It is crucial that the morphological aspect attributed to a species is extensive enough to cover the inherent characteristics of the species influenced by external factors, as well as determining the factors that may compromise the quality of the seed, such as insect predation. fruits and seeds and determine the degree of predation by insects. The fruits of C. grandis have averages of length, width, thickness and fresh weight of 36.92 cm, 38.62 mm, 29.83 mm and 176.37 g, respectively. C. grandis seeds have averages of length, width, thickness and fresh weight of 15.31 mm, 10.74 mm and 5.14 mm and 0.622g, respectively. The predation of seeds by P. lineola compromised 32% of the evaluated seeds

