Seeds of Resistance: Agroecology and Culture in the Alagoas Semiarid Region


  • Flávio dos Santos Universidade Federal de Alagoas (OBELUTTE/UFAL)
  • Alice Oliveira da Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas (Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia e OBELUTTE/UFAL)


Agrobiodiversity, Peasant, Identity, Sustainability, Tradition.


The article aims to analyse the agroecological and cultural importance of creole seeds for peasants in the Semiarid region of Alagoas. To achieve the objective, we used semi-structured interviews, applied with peasant guardians of creole seeds, in order to give voice to these subjects and understand the role of creole organisms in the practice of agroecology and preservation of traditional knowledge. Based on the interviewees' statements, and in light of the theoretical elements that guided the research, we found that creole seeds play an important role for the social reproduction of the guardian peasants of the alagoano Semiarid, because they are seeds adapted to the climate and soil conditions present in the referred region, as well as organisms in which there is a set of knowledge arising from peasant work, which makes the creole seeds from Alagoas an agroecological element and bears cultural symbols.

