Banco de Sementes Crioulas of the Grupo de Agroecologia Gaia – RS


  • Marina Augusta Tauil Bernardo Mestranda no Programa de Pós-graduação em Extensão Rural pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Felipe Henrique Huff Mestrando Profissional Ambiente e Sustentabilidade pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Vitória da Silva Domingues Graduanda Agronomia pela Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Janaína Tauil Bernardo Professora Adjunta na Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rafael Narciso Meirelles Professor Adjunto na Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul


Agroecology; Agrobiodiversity; Family farming; Sustainability


Creole seeds have historical and symbolic value that reflect the work of natural selection passed from generation to generation and that are maintained locally by guardian farmers and guardians supported by actions aimed at promoting and supporting strategies to include family farming in the process that leads to socioeconomic and environmental sustainability in rural areas. Based on the qualitative research methodology, using bibliographic and documentary procedures, the objective of the work was to clarify the formation and performance of the Banco de Sementes Crioulas developed by the Grupo de Agroecologia Gaia, linked to the Universidade do Estado Rio Grande do Sul, since its creation in 2015 in the south central region of RS. It is concluded that the Banco, currently with 130 creole varieties, enabled new social constructions linked to the local reality and provides the opportunity to rescue the autonomy of family farmers and the training of students and members of the community.

