Creole seed rescue in the Ipiranga of Piauí


  • Beatriz de Sousa Santos Licenciatura em Ciências Biológicas, da Universidade Federal do Piauí / Universidade Aberta do Brasil
  • Isis Gomes de Brito Souza Professora do curso de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade Federal do Piauí, campus Ministro Petrônio Portella


family farming; storage; conservation


Creole seeds stand out for being traditional, developed and adapted to the places where they are grown by family farmers. Due to the modernization of agriculture, many seeds have been improved and started to be industrialized, which is why it is important to rescue and maintain them. 10 residents of rural communities in the micro-region of Ipiranga do Piauí were selected, a questionnaire was applied to them and the seeds they produced were collected and stored. All respondents said they knew, cultivated and saved Creole seeds for years to come. Of these, the main crops were: beans, corn, rice and broad beans. The amount of 30 200 ml PET bottles with the collected seeds was donated to the Creole Seed Bank, linked to the Creole Seed Research Group of the Semi-arid Piauiense - GPESC, from the Federal University of Piauí / CSHNB, in Picos- PI, aiming expand the protection of local creole seeds.

