Preliminary Characterization of the Seed Quality of Three Creole Maize Genotypes Grown in Southern Brazil


  • Letícia Rutz Dewantier da Cruz Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Acadêmica do curso de agronomia
  • Vitória da Silva Domingues Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Acadêmica do curso de agronomia
  • Lilian Alessandra Rodrigues Emater/RS - Ascar, no município de Ibarama/RS
  • Suzane Castro da Rosa Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Acadêmica do curso de agronomia
  • Janaina Tauil Bernardo Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Profa Adjunta unidade de Cachoeira do Sul
  • Geri Eduardo Meneghello Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Sementes


Germination, weight of a thousand seeds, agroecology


Creole seeds represent a mode of production for sustainable agriculture, being free from the dependence on annual acquisition of hybrid or transgenic seeds. The analysis of the quality of these seeds from selection and storage is essential. The objective of the present work was to carry out physical evaluation, germination and seedling development of three Creole corn genotypes: iron, yellowing and caiano, stored in a refrigerated environment. The analyzes were performed at the Seed Analysis Laboratory of the UFPel, where the following tests were carried out: weight of one thousand seeds - PMS, number of seeds per kilogram, germination and length of seedlings. Preliminarily, it is possible to affirm that these genotypes have very different characteristics, regarding the Weight of a Thousand Seeds and the physiological quality of the evaluated seeds, with indications that Iron is less susceptible to deterioration and Amarelão has great initial development of the root system.

