Creole seed guardians: a passion that is not dormant in Juti, Mato Grosso do Sul


  • Shaline Séfara Lopes Fernandes Docente da Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul
  • Zefa Valdivina Pereira Docente da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados
  • Julio Cesar Pereira Lobtchenko Docente do Instituto Federal Campus de Naviraí, MS
  • Maikely Larissa Bormann Maciel do Santos Discente do Curso de Medicina Veterinária, Faculdades Anhanguera de Dourados
  • Tauane Catilza Lopes Fernandes Discente da Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Ceará


Family Agriculture, Sustainability; Agrobiodiversity


Over 15 years, with the creation of the Creole Seed Fair of Juti, with the intention of rescuing an ancestral peasant tradition within each farmer, it was discovered that it was not asleep, but rather, it was just needing an opportunity to “germinate” in each farmer. There were years of a lot of cooperation between small farmers and indigenous communities, where the expectation of the fair's objective was surpassed, discovering that those involved are happy to participate, that they plan to plant the seeds they receive at the previous fair and always seek to take more of the little they received. It is, in fact, more than a commitment, or a duty, but a satisfaction in showing all the farmers their experiences and knowledge with the planting of Creole seeds, accompanied with a tireless curiosity that drives them every year in participating assiduous of the event in order to discover new varieties of Creole seeds, that is, this passion is not dormant. Efforts to publicize the fair have always taken place thanks to farmers who spread their knowledge through the fair in their communities, and the result has always been exceeded each year, with many participants from other locations. Based on this principle, it is believed that public policies that support projects and events of this nature, tend to be successful, so those involved should join forces so that this cycle of distribution of Creole seeds never stops, as is the case with the organizers of the Fair of Creole Seeds of Juti, which over 15 years, has reaped the fruits of this great experience.

