A promoção da Soberania e Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional por meio da estruturação da cadeia produtiva das frutas nativas e crioulas na região Centro-Oeste do Paraná.


  • Matheus dos Santos Machado
  • Mateus de Souza Nogueira
  • Tainara Alves Moura
  • Tiago Trento
  • Julian Perez-Cassarino Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul


cantuquiriguaçu, sistemas agroflorestais, sustentabilidade, agroecologia, agricultura familiar


The chain of native and creole fruits present in the region of Cantuquiriguaçu-PR, works to promote food sovereignty in the region, restoring eating habits, adding value to the production of fruits generally despised by farmers and seeking to promote environmental sustainability. Participating in this initiative are formal and informal groups of family farmers and agrarian reform settlers, NGOs, private companies and the VIVAN Laboratory of Agroforestry Systems at UFFS-Laranjeiras do Sul, which make up the Coletivo de Frutas Nativas e Crioulas. It acts to structure a production chain through the mapping, collection and processing of fruit, producing frozen fruit products and popsicles that have already been in the commercialization phase for two years and starting the production of fruit sweets and candies of banana flavored with native fruits. So far there are 40 families in 5 municipalities working with 10 species of native fruits and 6 creoles.

