Os cotidianos das famílias agricultoras
Agrobiodiversity, Seeds guardians, Knowledge construction, AgroecologyAbstract
Agriculture emerges as a way of adapting to the environment that our ancestors aspired to survive. To maintain this new discovery, perceptions, meanings, actions needed to be transmitted to the next generations. Thus, the objective was to conceptualize what rural daily life is as a space-time of creation, invention, reinvention and construction of knowledge. We used a qualitative and participatory research whose research technique is conversations. The research environment is characterized by the municipalities of Rio Grande and São José do Norte, with eight farming families who are guardians of seeds as the object of analysis. It is noticed that rural daily life is configured through a network of knowledge, practices, powers that is capable of interconnecting social actors, perpetuating agrobiodiversity, and the knowledge and practices that are intrinsic to it. The Creole seed becomes the needle that weaves and unites the various actors in a single network of sharing seeds, symbolisms, meanings, culture