Participatory organic certification in promoting gender equity in Northeast Brazil: a study based on the National Register of Organic Producers
Organization for social control; family farming; rural development; sustainabilityAbstract
The Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) is connected to sustainable rural development and organic food production. Through the lack of studies on PGS in the Northeast, the objective this study was to identify the number of certified production units in this Region, as well as the percentage of certifications regarding the sex of the certified producer. Bibliographic and documentary research was used, based on the National Register of Organic Producers (NROP) of MAPA. 1,451 certified organic producers were identified. Bahia is the state with the largest number of organic certificates. There is predominance of the issuance of the organic certificate to men, and this data is observed for all states of the Northeast Region. Although the numbers still point to the low participation of women in the NROP, it is considered that the GSP is a social inclusive mechanism and that, over time, there will be a increase in number of women in the certification of organic products in Brazil.