Vozes do Campo: o rádio como instrumento para o diálogo de saberes na Educação do Campo da FURG, Campus São Lourenço do Sul, RS, Brasil
Povos tradicionais; Comunicação Democrática; Mídia radialista.Abstract
The work aimed to enable, through the broadcasting media, the social and environmental educational debate related to rural issues with the community of São Lourenço do Sul and Território Zona Sul of RS, Brazil. The extension project, entitled "Voices from the Field", 2nd edition, is linked to the coordination of the Licentiate Course in Education in the Countryside at FURG and is based on the dialogue of knowledge. Through the radio, it has been seeking to enable, since March 2021, the intertwining between academic and popular knowledge, enabling the listening and integration of subjects from the countryside, waters, forests and cities, strengthening identities and minimizing the physical distance, conditioned by the pandemic . Until October 2021, 35 programs were aired that addressed social, economic and sanitary issues, as well as those involving production, consumption and management in agroecological systems, with hearings from community representatives, students, farmers, teacher "if technicians".