Characterization and perception of rural producers from Rio Grande do Sul about the value of the Pampa Biome.
Traditional Knowledge; Native Field; Conservation.Abstract
Agribusiness has resulted in successive suppression of Pampa ecosystems. The biodiversity of the Pampa is poorly studied, neglecting its role in the resilience of the landscape. The present work carried out in Santana do Livramento and São Luiz Gonzaga (RS) sought to outline the profile of production units and the perception of producers about the value of Pampa and its native plants. Online forms were applied to 202 farmers who highlighted the importance of preserving the Pampa and the use of native botanical species. The need for studies of the potential of Pampa plants is highlighted, so that new forms of agriculture can be glimpsed, integrating production, knowledge and landscape management.
RTA - Ética, epistemologia, formação e construção do conhecimento agroecológico