Agroecology and professional field education


  • FERREIRA, Germano de Barros Universidade de Pernambuco – UPE
  • SILVA, Maria Alexsandra Universidade de Pernambuco – UPE
  • SANTANA, Paulo José Universidade de Pernambuco – UPE
  • SILVA, Valdiane Soares Faculdades Integradas da Vitória de Santo Antão – FAINTVISA


Pedagogical Alternation, Family Farming, the Systematic Vision, innovation


This article analyze the qualitative impacts of the Technical Professional Course in agro ecology,
into the students lives their families and their propriety. SERTA is a nongovernmental
organization that is building generations to the sustainable land development. The analyze experience
obey the starting observation, the documental analyze and living during the formative
process. The analysis results show the empowerment involvement of the students during the
course due the popular knowing interaction, with the subjects and the contents of the course,
fomented to the agro ecology starting. These results were achieved cause of the technical political
capacity and pedagogical of the institution in incorporate to the course the contributions
of the education into the land the popular pedagogical alternation, agro ecology, the complexity
theory ant the systematic vision.

