Circuitos curtos de comercialização de orgânicos na Região Metropolitana de Manaus: desafios e aprendizados diante da pandemia de Covid-19


  • Thábitta Menta da Cunha Rede Maniva de Agroecologia
  • Janaína De Aguiar
  • Amanda Lorena Nunes Cruz
  • Renata Elcy Farias Geraldo


agroecology network; organic agriculture×


Abstract: The sale of organic products in the Amazonas State occurs for at least ten years, with the support of the Maniva Agroecology Network - REMA. However, in the last years, there have been changes in the forms of access to the markets, justifying a qualitative survey of the short marketing circuits accessed by organic farmers in the Metropolitan Region of Manaus. Seeking to identify marketing strategies adopted in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic; from participant observation, meetings, and on-site visits; the emergence of new markets, the strengthening of existing ones, and the importance of social markets in facing the crisis were identified. Strategies for accessing local markets developed in a network proved to be fundamental for maintaining income to the countryside, while boosting the use of technology and digital tools in articulation, organization, and commercialization, especially when the main commercialization channels were interrupted.

