A Unidade de Produção Camponesa Harmonia (UPC): Feminismo e Agroecologia
Agroecologia; campesinato; igualdade de gênero; diversificação; resistência.Abstract
This report is part of the thesis research of the main author and is the place of work and/or experience of all members who prepared it. This research has a qualitative characteristic, with triangulation of data that brings the experience of a UPC managed by women in an agro-ecological way and with limited resources, but by subjects that make their work their fight. This experience converges on the theme of the agrarian issue in Brazil, in a context of a dependent economy, with serious consequences for peasant agriculture, and wants to give visibility to the processes of resistance of peasants in the construction of more sustainable forms of production that contemplate the environment, social life, and guarantee income and material life. To give visibility to the processes that foster autonomy, we have as our philosophical foundation the historical and dialectical materialism, which points to the cohesion between theory and practice and to the various unveilings and results with full implication with the object, which, at the same time, is the subject of this thesis in its context: the peasantry in agroecological production, imbricated in the struggle for gender and class equality.