Caça ao tesouro no “Templo da Agroecologia”: uma aventura ecológica


  • Jonas Campos Francisco IFSULDEMINAS


ecopedagogia, alfabetização ecológica, arte educação


The experience reported was a playful and recreational ecological tour with a focus on Agroecology, proposed by a student in Pedagogy at IFSULDEMINAS together with the Nucleus of Studies in Agroecology and Entomology Raiz do Campo and support from the Municipality of Inconfidentes. Along the walk, the contents of the clues, map and treasure covered the group's study areas: gray water treatment, identification of elements in the forest, the study of insects, banana trees in agroforestry, stingless bees and native seeds. This experience aimed to strengthen academic extension actions and highlight the importance of agroecological concepts in everyday community learning.

