Laboratório Vivo Cosme e Damião: uma unidade de produção agroecológica do NEA Educampo da UFRB em Valença - BA

an agroecological production unit of the NEA Educampo of UFRB in Valença - BA


  • Silvana Lúcia da Silva Lima UFRB
  • Míria Tatiane dos Santos
  • Josenildes Ferreira


Agroecology. Field Education. Living Laboratory. Agroforestry System.


The Cosme e Damiao Agroecological Production Unit is a product of the Vivo Laboratory: Nucleus of Studies in Agroecology and Rural Education project (NEA Educampo) approved by the so-called Agroecology No. 21/2016 and funded by MCTI/MAPA/MEC/MMA/SEAD/ CNPq. In the experiment, we implemented an Agroforestry System in a family production unit that still preserves the social relations typical of traditional agriculture, such as the joint effort, the exchange of days and collective marketing, prioritizing food production on an agroecological basis. The agroecosystem is inserted in the Atlantic Forest biome, in the Baixo Sul region of Bahia, a region marked by deforestation to make way for agricultural production, since the beginning of the colonization of Brazil. The methodology used was the Action Research and the Systemic Approach and, making use of the mutirão, the reproduction of creole seeds, the production and replanting of seedlings, and agroecological soil and production management practices. With a focus on Education in Agroecology, the unit is coordinated by a graduate of the Licentiate in Rural Education (LEDOC) course, who turned it into a final course work. The area continues to be productive in terms of academics and family farming: it is an experimentation field visited by extension workers, LEDOC students and peasants from the region; generated summaries of papers presented at scientific events and produces food that is sold at agroecological fairs or for donation at Jornada da Agroecologia and LEDOC events; The experience continues to produce fruits such as guava, lemon, cupuaçu and cocoa. In its current phase of expansion, we work with medicinal plants.


