Students ‘ perception about the technical training in Agroecology: the experience in IF Southeast MG-Campus Muriaé
Education in Agroecology, technician in Agroecology, IF Southeast MGAbstract
There are a multitude of initiatives throughout the Brazilian territory, with clear objectives of
sustainable development, there was a very large offer of courses and doctrines in different
forms of education in Agroecology. The present work had as objective to analyze the perception
of technical training in Agroecology according to the perspective of trainees/2017 of the
technical course in Agroecology the IF Southeast MG Campus Muriaé. Also it was intended to
compare the main claims of the choice of training practices within the science Ecology in their
lives. With that, the purpose was to understand how the current context of education in Agroecology
influences the academic activity and future professional perspectives of the students.
Semi-structured questionnaire was applied to graduates of the course with questions about the
choice of the institution; travel and representation; where they live; age, gender, if they wish to
follow the area or following area; What do you expect in this profession; If you have a vegetable
garden; If you participate in community work. The answers show significant understanding of
Agroecology. Although few wanting to follow in the area, very valuable report and importance
of this training for themselves and for the community.