Contribution of the public organizations in the Distrito Federal to agroecology: Use of distance education as a means of socializing knowledge
Trends, Digital Governance, Virtual learning environmentAbstract
The present study have as aims objective to identify the efforts of local and federal public organizations
in the face of information and communication technologies tendencies for the dissemination,
socialization and strengthening of research results and agricultural technological
solutions associated to agroecology and related areas. The methodology in study is classified
as exploratory, in the search for information in literature and report accessible and available
in internet portals of organizations. As initial results, three public organizations offer distance
courses continuously in the area of agroecology and organic production, having accreditation
in the Ministério da Educação. Another seven organizations offer short-term courses in the face-
to-face teaching modality, but have the potential to offer distance learning courses through
partnerships. Thus, the formal support among public organizations in the Distrito Federal can
contribute to the optimization of human, material, technological, and financial resources, which
provides achievement and promotion together.