Agroeco-knowledge and education in agroecology in the micro-region of Altamira, Southwest of Pará


  • Carla Giovana Souza Rocha Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Maristela Marques da Silva Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Simão Lindoso de Souza Universidade Estadual da Paraíba
  • Karla Alves de Carvalho Lindoso Alguimia de Minas
  • Alanne Rainer Rosa Nascimento Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Jayne Silva Quanz Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Uruará
  • Bruno Carvalho Viterbino Synergia Consultoria
  • Paulo Matheus Barbosa Marques da Silva SENAR
  • Kamila de Castro Oliveira Rocha SENAR
  • Karoline Amaral Correia Olam Food Ingredients
  • Débora Luíse Rocha de Carvalho Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Daniel Palma Perez Braga Universidade Federal do Pará
  • José de Alencar Sena Casa Familiar de Altamira
  • Denisson Ribeiro de Almeida Instituto Federal do Pará


Family farmers, Participatory methodologies, Rural Schools


This work reports the actions developed by the Agroecosaberes group organized at the Federal University of Pará, Campus Altamira, and aims to involve teachers and students to discuss and disseminate agroecology in the university academic environment and in rural schools and their communities. The group was created in 2019 by professors and students from the Faculty of Ethnodiversity and Faculty of Agronomic Engineering, carrying out extension, teaching and research activities, articulated with the undergraduate courses in Rural Education, Ethnodevelopment, Agronomic Engineering and specialization in Teaching of Sciences. Participatory methodologies were used to disseminate and discuss agroecology experiences developed in the region, through workshops, cycles of debates in agroecology, implementation of a mandala-type demonstrative unit, and preparation of didactic material.

