Iniciação científica em temas da Agroecologia: Vivências que produzem (re) conhecimento e conexões entre saberes e territórios


  • Gracineiva Alves de Sousa UFOPA
  • Danielle Wagner Silva Docente vinculada ao Instituto de Biodiversidade e Florestas/Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará- UFOPA


Educação em Agroecologia; Engenharia Florestal; Pesquisa na Amazônia.


The objective of this text is to report how experiences in scientific initiation contribute to the understanding of Agroecology as a science, practice and movement. A survey was carried out through reporting and participant observation in some events that were relevant to the understanding of the strength of women in agroecological practices that bring with them the appreciation of women in agriculture, their engagement and their autonomy, which is increasingly gaining strength, bringing with it freedom and trust. We can better understand the role of women in family production. In this way, agroecology is characterized as a space of paramount importance for the development of the municipality, region and country, rescuing traditional agricultural knowledge, strengthening and encouraging these women in agroecological practice.


