Research and extension actions in agroecology with quilombola women in Santarém, Pará



Scientific Initiation, Agroecological Booklets, Quilombo, Gender, Amazon


This text aims to present actions of a research and extension project conducted by a quilombola student and scientific
initiation scholarship holder, from the agronomy course at the Federal University of Western Pará, Campus Santarém, which
she has been carrying out since September 2021, activities with women in the community to which it belongs, Quilombo
Murumurutuba, located in the municipality of Santarém, state of Pará. The objective of the actions is to demonstrate how
the women who are participating in the project produce a variety of foods and contribute to their families' income.
Agroecological notebooks. The activities being carried out are monitoring through agroecological booklets, participatory
workshops on feminism, handicrafts, production of biofertilizers and vegetable cultivation, and organization of the women's
fair. Working with agroecological notebooks in a quilombola community is inspiring because it can rescue traditions in
food production, which today are no longer produced, in addition to showing their reality. Executing the actions of this
project has been motivating, as we have noticed the need to make these women aware of the importance of valuing and giving
visibility to the work they do, which most of the time they do not even recognize.


Author Biographies

Jociane Pereira dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará

Possui graduação em Interdisciplinar em Biodiversidade e Florestas pela Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (2021).

Está cursando Bacharel em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará.

Helionora da Silva Alves, UFOPA

Agronomist Engineer Master and PhD in Tropical Agriculture Postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate Program in Letters at Unioeste, Campus Cascael Associate Professor II at the Federal University of Western Pará linked to the Institute of Biodiversity and Forests Permanent Professor at the Graduate Program in Society, Environment and Quality of Life

