Collective agroforestry action in IFTM/Uberlândia


  • PAULO, I. G. Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro - Campus Uberlândia
  • PEDROSO, Henrique L. Instituto Teia Viva
  • PRIONE, G. C. Universidade de Uberlândia
  • CARON, Vanessa C. Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro-Campus Uberlândia
  • ALMEIDA, Fernanda V.R. Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro-Campus Uberlândia


Agroforestry System, NEA, Agroecology


In order to initiate educational actions in the agroecological and agroforestry context for the
community, both internal and external to the institution, the NEA IFTM Campus Uberlândia
proposed the “I Course on the Implementation of Agroforestry Systems”, held in the form of a
600 m2 agroforestry implementation effort. The task force, facilitated by the NGO Teia Viva,
in addition to implementing the SAF, brought reflections on our organization and relationship
in society, and especially with the Earth and all natural resources. Regarding the technical
issues, most of them were surprised by the possibilities of an SAF, although some questions
about the viability of the system were raised, which indicates the need for more work on this
topic. In a general context, the mutirão proved to be a rich source of teachings, experiences
and practices, generating a process of affection with the production processes and with those
involved, as well as an inexhaustible source of reflection and wisdom.

