Agroecology in practice: exchange of experiences between masters and workers camped
Camp, Cantuquiriguaçu, knowledge, práxisAbstract
The Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS), Campus Laranjeiras do Sul (PR), Through
the Graduate Program in Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável and the Centro
de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Capacitação em Agroecologia (CEAGRO), provided
workshops together with Vilmar Bordim, In the municipality of Quedas do Iguaçu (PR). This
experience contributed to the fact that the masters and the campers could exchange their
knowledge, furthermore, it was possible to perceive the validity of practice in learning theories.
Integration into the reality of people struggling for the land, incorporating their problems, difficulties,
yearnings and motivations into our own personal plan, has provided a broader process
of understanding. This logic of involvement is very necessary to the true engagement of science
in the search for overcoming current social problems. As well, so that the academy is not
alien to the social problems that surround us, but that seek through their practices solutions
that will contribute to improve the quality of life of these people who need so much.