Agroecology in the teaching of Geography


  • COSTA, Hellen Cristine da Silva Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
  • AMÂNCIO, Roberta Christina Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)


knowledge, education, geographical competences


In the agro ecological practices there are different uses and ways of dealing with land and other
natural/social resources, respecting the environment, the health of farmers and workers and
also the consumers. They are part of a growing/farming knowledge with culture and respect for
nature opposing the agro business. The objective of this work is to call to the reflection about
the principles of the agro ecology during the teaching of geography and, this way, be able to
understand the group of social, moral, environmental, behavioral and educational relationships
and representations, waiting for a critic renewal. Wih that purpose, a bibliographic revision was
done highlighting the interaction of the geographical categories with the rescue and use of
traditional knowledge and practices of the agro ecology, which improve with each generation.
Keywords: knowledge; education; geographical competences.

