Nucleus of studies in Agroecology as a strategy for the strengthening of formal education in Agroecology: The NEADS and IFPE – Campus Barreiros
University graduate, CNPq, agrofloresty, Southern Forest Zone of Pernambuco StateAbstract
The creation of a discussion group by the docent of the Technology in Agroecology graduation
course at IFPE - Campus Barreiros to support and strengthen discussions on Agroecology;
The actions took shape, was the embryo for the creation in 2012 of the Nucleus of Studies in
Agroecology, Organic Agriculture and Sustainable Development (NEADS) formalized through
Call 81/2013 of the CNPq with financial contributions that changed the dynamics on the theme
Within the Campus. Actions such as seminars, lectures, technical excursions, scientific initiation
fellowships as well as institutional partnerships and exchange of experience with actors
in the region or outside it allowed to reach the proposed goals. The objective of the work is to
reflect on some activities carried out in recent years. The Nuclei are an important tool in the
strengthening of actions aimed at dispersing knowledge on Agroecology, especially in formal
education, allowing the approximation between the academy and the local community.