Pedagogical Experiences of University Outreach in Agroecology in Basic Education


  • MONTALVÃO, Stéphanie Gomes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • FULY, Lynna Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • FIRMO, Heloisa Teixeira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Environmental Education, Formal Teaching, Pedagogical Horizontality


The present article aims to expose the potential and challenges of the activities focused on
agroecological education in basic education at the Municipal School Tenente Antônio João
located in the city of Rio de Janeiro, carried out in the MUDA Mutirão de Agroecologia UFRJ.
We believe that the act of educating is a two-way street where both parties contribute to the
construction of knowledge, with this, we seek to understand pedagogy as the ways to provide
horizontal teaching-learning environments. The term ecopedagogy refers to the so-called
planetary teaching methodologies, or to sustainability. The pedagogical methods applied are
based on participatory, interdisciplinary, dialectic and materiality of action. At the end the challenges
and results are discussed, encompassing the difficulties and gains in working horizontally
and cooperatively.

